Issue 343, March 10 2025

Federal Judge Awards $2M in FBI Agent's Negligence Case, Detective Killed in Newark Shooting Incident

🕵️Trivia Question

In 2018, which FBI agent accidentally shot and killed an innocent bystander while attempting to arrest a suspect in Denver, Colorado?
Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

What’s Happening Now

 🔫 Safety Tip of the Day: Always secure your firearm properly to prevent accidental discharges.

Firearms should be stored safely and handled with extreme caution, especially when not in use. Always ensure that the gun is secured in a holster or lockbox when carrying or storing it. Accidents like the one involving FBI agent Chase Bishop highlight the importance of proper firearm handling to prevent harm to others and yourself.

Cold Case Highlights

🔍Trivia Answer
Chase Bishop.

FBI agent Chase Bishop accidentally shot and killed 24-year-old Tommy Le during a dance at a nightclub. Bishop had dropped his gun while dancing, and when he tried to catch it, the weapon discharged, striking Le. Bishop was later investigated for negligence, but charges were dropped.