Issue 201, August 13, 2024

Man Charged With Murder and Attempted Murder After Stabbing Parents in Ohio Altercation, Joshua Hunsucker Accused of Attempting to Poison Daughter and Frame In-Laws in Murder

🕵️Trivia Question

What landmark U.S. Supreme Court case established that a defendant must have the specific intent to kill in order to be convicted of attempted murder?
Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

What’s Happening Now

đź”’ Safety Tip of the Day: Enhance your safety by installing locks, alarms, and surveillance cameras at home.

Home security measures can act as deterrents and provide evidence in case of a security breach. Installing robust locks, alarms, and surveillance cameras can make it harder for potential threats to access your home and help authorities in investigations. Enhanced security helps create a safer environment and provides peace of mind.

Cold Case Highlights

🔍Trivia Answer
The landmark case is United States v. Moser (1969).

In United States v. Moser, the Supreme Court clarified that for a conviction of attempted murder, the prosecution must prove that the defendant had the specific intent to kill, not just the intent to commit a crime that could result in death. This decision underscored the necessity of proving a defendant's specific intent to achieve a conviction for attempted murder, distinguishing it from other crimes where general intent might suffice.