Issue 188, July 25, 2024

Retrial for Alleged Murder of Boston Police Officer by Girlfriend, Tragic Shooting at Florida Birthday Party Sparks Call for Community Unity and Peace

🕵️Trivia Question

What is the most common motive behind non-family abductions of children in the United States?
Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

What’s Happening Now

🚸 Safety Tip of the Day: Preventing Child Abduction

Predators often use tricks and lures to convince children to go with them willingly. By educating children about the dangers of talking to or accepting anything from strangers, and reinforcing the rule of staying away from unknown cars, you can help them recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations. Role-playing different scenarios can also be a helpful way to practice and reinforce this safety tip.

Cold Case Highlights

🔍Trivia Answer
Sexual exploitation.

Non-family abductions, which involve a perpetrator who is not related to the child, are often driven by motives such as sexual exploitation, ransom, or criminal retaliation. Among these, sexual exploitation is the most prevalent motive. These cases typically involve a higher risk of harm to the child, emphasizing the importance of swift and coordinated law enforcement responses.